A.F.S.O. World President:Attila Fuhrmann-Schütze

A.F.S.O. World Executive and World Pro President:Alessandro Sorce

A.F.S.O. World Amateur President:Salvatore Tiso

A.F.S.O. World Executive Member:Thomas-Marc Symannek

A.F.S.O. World Referee Instructor:Bernd Kornmaier

A.F.S.O. World Head Cutman:Markus Schwer

A.F.S.O.World Womens Chairmen:Seher Yumuk


 A.F.S.O. European President:Luigi Greci

 A.F.S.O. European Union President:Paul Sutton

A.F.S.O. European Executive Member:Giorgio Baldo

A.F.S.O. East European Director:Peter Elteto

A.F.S.O. West European Director:Alessandro Sorce


A.F.S.O. Panamerica President:Renato Pires 

A.F.S.O. Panamerica Vice-President:Adán Castillejos Gallegos

A.F.S.O. Panamerica Executive Member:Marcio Sousa

A.F.S.O. North America Director:Wolfgang Christian Manicke

A.F.S.O. Central America Director:Gianni Carriello

A.F.S.O. South America Director:Carlos Alberto Duran Paredes

A.F.S.O. Africa President:Abdelhamid Meziani

A.F.S.O. Africa Executive Member:Ronald Mugula

A.F.S.O. East Africa Director:Ronald Mugula

A.F.S.O. Africa Executive Member:Akram Lachhab


A.F.S.O. Asia President:Ahmad Reshad Faqiri

A.F.S.O. Asia Pro President:Jalal Omidi Masouleh

A.F.S.O. Asia Vice President Admin & Finances:Kim Yanez Sepulveda

A.F.S.O. Asia General Secretary:Lubiana Ahmed

A.F.S.O. North Asia Director:Oleg Kudrinkiy

A.F.S.O. Central Asia Director:Ilkhomjon Sokiev

A.F.S.O. South Asia Director:Ganesh Kakshapati

A.F.S.O. West Asia Director:Shadi Swaidan

A.F.S.O. East Asia Director:Dajan Samarasekara



A.F.S.O. Oceania President:t.b.a.

A.F.S.O. Eurasia President:Oleg Kudrinskiy

A.F.S.O. India Ocean Islands President:Anthony Dobaria

A.F.S.O. Afghanistan President:

Matiullah Noori


A.F.S.O. Albania President:

Giorgio Baldo

A.F.S.O. Albania Executive Member:Roman Lupan

A.F.S.O. M.M.A.:Varfi Leonard

A.F.S.O. Kickboxing:Gjoka Abdjl


A.F.S.O. Algeria President:

Abdelhamid Meziani


A.F.S.O. Argentina President:

Carolina Ayelen Randazzo

A.F.S.O. Argentina General Secretary:Luis Oscar Randazzo

A.F.S.O. Argentina Admin Finances:Maria Celeste Kolman


A.F.S.O. Armenia President:

Aram Abramyan


A.F.S.O. Austria President:

Johann Schneeweiß


A.F.S.O. Azerbaijan President:

Ismayilovi Asim


A.F.S.O. Bangladesh President:

Lubiana Ahmed

A.F.S.O. Belgium President:

Abderrahim Jelali of FBSC & DA

A.F.S.O. Bolivia President:

Marcelo Alvaro Ovando

A.F.S.O. Bosnia and Herzegovina President:

Marijo Cvitanovic

A.F.S.O. Brazil President:

Márcio Sousa

A.F.S.O. Brazil Vice President:Rodrigo Rabachini

A.F.S.O. Brazil Secretary General:Marco Antonio Camargo

A.F.S.O. Brazil Executive Member:José Wellington Pessoa de Morais

A.F.S.O. Brazil Director:Cleber Soares Neves

A.F.S.O. Canada President:

Wolfgang Christian Manicke

A.F.S.O. Chile President:

Claudio Andrés Godoy Palominos

A.F.S.O. Chinese Taipei President:

Shu-Ching Ju

A.F.S.O. Curacao President:

Farao Jassem Al Djilawi

A.F.S.O. Cyprus President:

Stefanos Charalambous

A.F.S.O. Denmark President:

Jimmi Busk

A.F.S.O. Ecuador President:

Carlos Alberto Duran Paredes

A.F.S.O. Egypt President:

Mohamed Abdalla Abdelmoneim

A.F.S.O. Finnland President:

Arto Vuoma

A.F.S.O. France President:

Bruno Lahmar of OMKB

A.F.S.O. Germany President:

Attila Fuhrmann-Schütze

A.F.S.O. Germany Pro & Ringstyle President:

Alessandro Sorce

A.F.S.O. Germany Vice-President:Karsten Krüger

A.F.S.O. Germany National Chairman:Salvatore Tiso

A.F.S.O. Germany Referee Chairman:Bernd Kornmeier



A.F.S.O. East Germany Coordinator:Gerry Chan

A.F.S.O. North Germany Coordinator:Matthias Baars

A.F.S.O. West Germany Coordinator:Thomas-Marc Symannek

A.F.S.O. Southwest Germany Coordinator:Mohamed Akrri

A.F.S.O. South Germany Coordinator:Bernd Dorst

A.F.S.O.Saarland:Wolfgang Möger

A.F.S.O. Saar-Lor-Lux Representative:Monika Sorce



A.F.S.O. Hungary President:

Peter Élteto

A.F.S.O. India President:

Pankaj Khanna

A.F.S.O. Indonesia President:

Dr.Sudirman, SH., MH

A.F.S.O. Iran President:

Nassar Gholipour Borhani

A.F.S.O. Iran General Secretary:Saeed Mir Mohammadi

A.F.S.O. Iraq President:

Azad Muhammed Salih

A.F.S.O. Irland President:

Pete Foley

A.F.S.O. Isle of Man President:

Dave Lee Pearson

A.F.S.O. Isle of Man Executive Member:Ian O´Dell

A.F.S.O. Israel President:

Ohad Kurland


A.F.S.O. Italy President:

Luigi Greci

A.F.S.O. Italy MMA:Kevin Moietta

A.F.S.O. Italy Kickboxing:Nunzio Squitieri

A.F.S.O. Italy Oriental Rules:Davide Menicucci

A.F.S.O. Italy Lightcontact:Fabio Civitenga 


A.F.S.O. Jordan President:

Ahmad Mohamed Alfoqaha


A.F.S.O. Kyrgyzstan President:

Zhanybek Beishebek Uulu

A.F.S.O. Kurdistan President:

Shamsadin Sarkaut

A.F.S.O. Kurdistan Executive President:

Wahid Ahmad Salih

A.F.S.O. Kurdistan Executive President:Himdad Ali Hassan

A.F.S.O. Kurdistan Kickboxing:Mohamad Osman Mohamed

A.F.S.O. Kosovo President:

Luan Rudaj

A.F.S.O. Latvia President:

Sergey Domnin

A.F.S.O. Lebanon President:

Shadi Swaidan

A.F.S.O. Liechtenstein President:

Mike Kieber

A.F.S.O. Luxembourg & Benelux President:

Jean-Luc Lefeber

A.F.S.O. Malta President:

Mark Anthony Manicolo

A.F.S.O. Madagascar President:

Carina Razanajatovo

A.F.S.O. Mexico President:

Adán Castillejos Gallegos


A.F.S.O. Moldova President:

Victor Popescu

A.F.S.O. Montenegro President:

Zarko Jankovic

A.F.S.O. Nepal President:

Ganesh Kakshapati

A.F.S.O. Netherlands President:

Salvatore Tiso

A.F.S.O. North Macedonia President:

Dijana Nedelkovski

In Memory of A.F.S.O. North Macedonia Founder:

Zlatko Nedelkovski

A.F.S.O. Norway President:

Shahid Rasool of NTF

A.F.S.O. Palestine President:

Wissam Seder

A.F.S.O. Pakistan President:

Sami Kakar of PKF

A.F.S.O. Panama President:

Gianni Carriello

A.F.S.O. Paraguay President:

Juan Carlos Balmori

A.F.S.O. Peru President:

Mauricio Kabayama

A.F.S.O. Poland President:

Piotr Bakowski of PFKB

A.F.S.O. Romania President:

Adrian Dejanu of FRFK

A.F.S.O. Russia President:

Oleg Kudrinskiy

A.F.S.O. Spain President:

Hamza Selahmi


A.F.S.O. Sri Lanka President:

Dayan Samarasekara

In Memory of A.F.S.O. Sri Lanka Founder:

Saman Weerasinghe

A.F.S.O. Suisse President:

Tom Muntwyler

In Memory of A.F.S.O. Suisse Founder:

Hayri Yapici

A.F.S.O. Tajikistan President:

Khurshedi Temuri

A.F.S.O. Tunisia President:Hedi Ben Khaled

A.F.S.O. Tunisia Muay Thai:Akram Lachhab

A.F.S.O. Turkey President:

Cemal Gülsen

A.F.S.O. United Arab Emirates President:

Sultan Elsayed

A.F.S.O. Uganda President:

Roland Mugula

A.F.S.O. U.K. President:

Paul Sutton

A.F.S.O. Wales President:Denzil Lawrence

A.F.S.O. United Kingdom Karate:Steve Powell

A.F.S.O. United Kingdom Tatami:Brian Nelson

A.F.S.O. Ukraine President:

Oksana Pashkova

A.F.S.O. Uruguay President:

Andres Pedroso

A.F.S.O. USA President:

Diovani Natal Aparcio

A.F.S.O. Uzbekistan President:

Ilhomjon Soqiyev

A.F.S.O. Venezuela President:

Henry Gustavo Espinoza Bolivar

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Partner of A.F.S.O. World United

International HWA Rang Husunsul-do Federation